Super Summer Seminar 2024

Super Seminar Seminar Sunday July 28th, 2024
Costa Mesa Downtown Recreation Center
1860 Anaheim Ave, Costa Mesa, CA 92627

8 - 9:30 AM - Black Belts Only, Mandatory Training

10 - 11:30 AM - All Ages & All Ranks

12 - 1:30 - PM Kumite Seminar

2 - 3 - PM Kobudo Seminar

• Please bring your own food, water, kobudo & kumite gear


Welcome to registration for the Super Summer Seminar. Instructions to add more participants to your order:
1. Click the “Continue Shopping” button.
2. Complete the form again for the person you wish to add.
3. Repeat until all individual participants have been added.
4. When you have finished adding participants, click on “Proceed to Checkout”.
5. Fill out the required payment information and click the “Submit" button

I, the undersigned, do hereby voluntarily submit my application for attendance and participation in the Shito Ryu Karate Do Genbu Kai Super Summer Seminar, and do hereby assume full responsibility for any damages, injuries, or loss that I may incur, including exposure to Covid, if any, while participating or attending. I hereby waive all claims against the promoters, officials, or sponsors, or Japan Karate Federation, Inc. or Shito-Ryu Karate-Do Genbu-Kai International or the City of Costa Mesa or their employees, of said Seminar, individually or otherwise, for any claims or injuries I might sustain. I fully understand that any medical treatment given to me will be of a first aid nature only. I also consent that any pictures furnished by me or taken of me in connection with the Seminar may be used for publicity, promotion, or television showing, and I waive compensation in regard thereto. Participants bear sole liability and responsibility for exposure to or infection with Covid.